The top casting then lifts up and locks in place to fully expose the mechanism.
A key is inserted in the side and the front panel with green plastics and bronze chief head swings open. It opens from the front which is a departure from previous Chief machines and allows easy servicing as opposed to having to spin the machine around to access the back. It was made in the last few years that Jennings made mechanical slots before electromechanical slots made their appearance and changed things forever. I spent some time with it this afternoon so I have some info on it. Catalin is basically a colored version of Bakelite. The only electricity used is for the marquee, reels, and the green catalin plastics. It's amazing to me that this machine can payout out 5 different jackpots as well as all the other payout combos by mechanical means only. A purely mechanical slot is something I've been interested in for many, many years.